
Promote inbound tourism (domestic and international) and revitalise the Isumi region (2 cities and 2 towns) in Chiba Prefecture!

Promote sustainable tourism (aiming at sustainable tourism).

“Good to visit, good to live in!”

Based on the Basic Plan for the Promotion of a Tourism Nation, Jiji Glocal Services promotes ‘local economic development’ and ’employment promotion’ through tourism, based on the keywords of ‘creating a sustainable tourism region’, ‘increasing consumption’ and ‘promoting the attraction of visitors to rural areas’. Jiji Glocal Services is to promote activities to solve chronic regional problems by catching the demand for tourism and travel in a timely manner, such as the shift of tourism to rural areas avoiding ‘density’ and increased demand for outdoor activities, such as telework and workcations, which are new opportunities for rural areas created by the ‘Corona Disaster’. Established for the purpose of

Regional challenges

  • Population decline
  • Shrinking economy
  • Increase in the number of vacant houses
  • Decline in local/domestic transport
  • Lack of support for community activities
  • Increase in abandoned land
  • Forest management issues

In addition, we are also actively promoting the matching with the private sector of complex regional issues such as ‘DX and GX measures’, in a style that optimises the region and prevents mismatching, through our active ‘cooperation with ministries’ and ‘identification of good regional practices’, and actively promoting ‘problem solving for the sustainable development of the region’. We are committed to actively promoting “solutions to problems for the sustainable development of the region”.

President and Representative Director Ichiro Sugimoto